- 航空宇宙産業{こうくう うちゅう さんぎょう}の競争力{きょうそうりょく}を高める
make the aerospace industry more competitive 意味
- "make the achievement of a certain rate of rising prices a financial policy" 意味
- "make the acquaintance of" 意味
- "make the acquisition of a master's degree a prerequisite in principle" 意味
- "make the act of copying far easier" 意味
- "make the administration and the ruling parties assume responsibility for public administration in unison" 意味
- "make the air blue" 意味
- "make the air in the room wetter" 意味
- "make the airways less likely to constrict" 意味
- "make the allegation" 意味
- "make the act of copying far easier" 意味
- "make the administration and the ruling parties assume responsibility for public administration in unison" 意味
- "make the air blue" 意味
- "make the air in the room wetter" 意味